Dear friends,
I wanted to tell you how our visit went with Dr Nath.
The appointment was on Saturday, June 6th, in Orlando, Florida.
Dr Nath confirmed that I will need two surgeries (elbow and shoulder). Success is 90% guaranteed.
Dr Nath offered to operate on me at his Dubai clinic for 20,000 Euros for each surgery.
The operations need to be three months apart at a minimum, but if necessary I may have the second one a year or even later after the first, without affecting the outcome.
The most important thing is that we aren't too late in terms of my age.
Dr Nath reiterated that the operations do not touch my nerves and that, beyond the usual risks of surgery, there are no additional risks associated with these procedures.
Until then, the doctor said we should continue with my physical therapy, and he pointed out which exercises I should focus on, and where and how to best make use of electrical stimulation.
We've agreed to stay in touch, and keep him informed of our fund-raising progress, while hoping for the best.
Once again, thank you so much for thinking of us and for your good wishes, and for all of your donations which we've received so far.
Thank you also to Mayche who has made all this possible and who has been with us through thick and thin.