Hi everyone,

My name is Jana (pronounced ‘Yah-na’), I am a four year old little girl from Serbia, and I need your help!

My left arm was injured when I was born and I am now only able to use it at 50%. The diagnosis is obstetrical paralysis of the brachial plexus. It is possible to almost entirely regain mobility of the arm, but I would need surgical treatment which costs $50-60,000. Would you help me raise the money for my surgeries? You can make a donation to me via PayPal at the address manuka-s@hotmail.co.uk, or by direct transfer to my bank account at Raffeisen Bank AD, Belgrade, Serbia, account number RS35265050000011091009, swift number RZBSRSBG (this number may actually be different depending on your currency and the bank you are using, so please see below for the correct one).

Please write to me!

Forever grateful,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Surgeries I need

The surgeries would be performed by Dr Rahul Nath at the Texas Nerve and Paralysis Institute.

The first is done on the muscles and is called the (Mod Quad).

The second is done on the bones, and it’s called the Triangle Tilt. Here’s what the arm looks like before and after the surgery.

In order for the operations to be successful, on my return home I’ll have to continue with physical therapy for a year to a year and a half.

(These images are borrowed from the website of the Texas Nerve and Paralysis Institute.)

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